Enosis Advisors

Joseph Bradley is the Chief Technology Officer at Caleb & Brown, a leading crypto brokerage based in Melbourne. With more than a decade of experience in engineering and cybersecurity, he began his career in 2014 as an ethical hacker before moving into engineering leadership roles. Throughout his tenure at Caleb & Brown, Joseph has specialized in optimizing product development workflows and mentoring high-performance engineering teams. Under his guidance, the company launched its first fully featured customer platform and successfully delivered a number of other large-scale, innovative projects.

Murat is a Clinical Neuropsychologist and NHMRC Principal Research Fellow. As well as being BrainPark's Founding Director, Murat is Leader of the Addiction and Mental Health Program within the Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health is a Principal Investigator on MDMA and psilocybin clinical trials. His work combine's neuroscience with lifestyle and technology-based immersive interventions (such as physical exercise, mindfulness mediation, yoga, virtual reality, and cognitive training) to drive the creation of a new generation of lifestyle and technology-based tools and strategies that enable engaging and effective monitoring and enhancement of mental wellbeing, particularly for people with compulsive behaviours; from unhealthy habits through to addictions and obsessive compulsive disorder. Murat has been named in the 0.1% of the most Highly Cited (HiCi) researchers in the world on five occasions (2015, 17-20). Murat is an advisor to Enosis, and does not hold equity in the company or receive remuneration for this role.

Dr Margaret Ross (PsyD) is the Chief Principal Investigator and clinical lead for Australia’s first psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy study treating depression and anxiety in the terminally ill. Her study is a world first investigating psilocybin assisted therapy for all palliative conditions, and sees Dr Ross pioneering a new frontier in psychedelic medicine. Dr Ross combines oversight of this ground-breaking trial with palliative medicine clinical work in her role as Senior Clinical Psychologist and Researcher at St Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne and also trains clinicians in emerging psychedelic assisted therapy drug trials. She regularly lectures medical students and specialist clinicians in psychosocial aspects of palliative medicine and cancer care. Margaret is an advisor to Enosis, and does not hold equity in the company or receive remuneration for this role.

Paul is Head of Clinical Psychedelic Research at Monash University, and Chief Principal Investigator on a program of psychedelic trials at Monash University. He has an Honours in Neuroscience and a PhD in Psychology from the University of Melbourne, and has Adjunct or Honorary appointments at St Vincent’s Hospital, Macquarie University, Deakin University, and the University of Melbourne. He is an Investigator on a number of Australia’s first few ethically-approved psychedelic trials, coordinates Australia’s first applied psychedelic therapist training programs, has obtained the first industry funding and partnership for psychedelics in Australia, is establishing Australia’s largest psychedelic trial, and leads Australia’s first clinical psychedelic lab. His work is focused on developing a rigorous program of research in psychedelic medicine that seeks to evaluate therapeutic effects, innovate on treatment design, mitigate known risks, explore potential drawbacks, and understand therapeutic mechanisms. Paul is an advisor to Enosis, and does not hold equity in the company or receive remuneration for this role.
The Enosis Team

A graduate of the Faculty of Multimedia Communication at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań (currently the University of Arts in Poznań). He graduated in 2010, making a film in the animation studio of prof. Jacek Adamczak. From 2010, assistant in the 3rd Animation Studio. From 2014, head of the Department of Animation at the Faculty of Animation of the University of Arts in Poznań. He deals with interactive film, computer games, VR, and modern technologies Filmography: 3 is a magic number, City Rhythms, Monday… (2007), Institution, City (2008), Vip (2009), Virtual? Reality (2009), Babel (2010), Ars moriendi (2014).

With over 8 years of experience in product management, Krupa excels at combining strategic vision with hands-on execution to deliver on her commitment to user satisfaction and building products that are loved. In her previous role as Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer of myBeepr, she led the development and national rollout of a bespoke clinical communication platform in Australia, overseeing its scaling before a successful acquisition by a medical indemnity insurer.

Renee is a Clinical Psychologist who has recently relocated to Australia after a long career in the UK as a Consultant in the NHS and more recently as an Honorary Research Fellow at imperial College London in the study of psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression. She was responsible for leading in service development for people with complex emotional needs in the UK and specialised in training clinicians for this work. Renee was a key member of developing psychedelic interest groups and in establishing and running a psychedelic Integration Circle in Brighton prior to leaving the UK. She is currently based in Melbourne, working in private practice and part of the developing Australian community in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy research and clinical service.
Enosis Therapeutics Founders

Agnieszka is a scientist with background in biomedical engineering and medical imaging. She used cutting edge biotech tools, including customized imaging robots, 3D modelling and VR, to innovate medical research all over the world, including forensic medicine in Switzerland, space medicine in Austria and translational science in Singapore. She is currently a PhD candidate at the Centre for Human Psychopharmacology at Swinburne University in Australia. Agnieszka is devoted to science outreach, extensively advocating for open-science communication, community led research and outcome transparency. For her outreach efforts, she won the best speaker award at 3D MED Australia and the MiLabs Image of the Year award, among others. Her work has been displayed worldwide, including Shanghai EXPO, Florence Biennale or Sounds of Space Exhibition in Austria. Agnieszka’s academic work was published in the Journal of Forensic Radiology and Imaging, and the Journal of Nuclear Medicine. As a freelance journalist, Agnieszka produced numerous articles on altered states of consciousness, including Transcendental Therapy: Mysticism, Psychedelics and Mental Health article for the prestigious Przekroj magazine.

Prash, a medical doctor and former Neuropsychiatry Fellow at The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, is one of Australia’s leading advocates for accessible psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. In this capacity, Prash is a clinical adviser to the Australian Psychedelic Society and is frequently sought for his thought leadership on the subject of the therapeutic uses of psychedelic substances. Prash is also the founder of pioneering digital currency brokerage Caleb & Brown, named “Fintech Startup of the Year” in 2018 by the Australian Stockbrokers & Financial Advisors Association. Caleb & Brown, Australia’s largest personalised cryptocurrency brokerage firm, widens the suite of traditional wealth management services through the provision of bespoke digital currency solutions. Prash has a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Honours) from Monash University in Melbourne, a Masters in Psychological Medicine from the University of Melbourne, and has written for a number of publications including The Lancet and the Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. In 2018, Prash was awarded Young Executive of the Year by the Australia-wide Indian Executive Council.