Journey up the river of grief - with Dr. Prash Puspanathan
I talked with Dr Prash Puspanathan about a recent clinical trial he participated in studying the effects of Ayahuasca.
Dr Prash is a practising psychiatrist and has been a long-time advocate for the responsible use of psychedelics in the medical field in Australia since way before it was cool. He is also the co-founder of Enosis Therapeutics, a VR company working to make psychedelic integration therapy more accessible.
In this episode, he talks about his motivation to become a psychotherapist, the ordeal he went through during the trial to heal some grief, the important work of integration post a session like this and how this experience as a participant has given him new insight as a therapist himself.
I learned a lot from Prash and believe he sets an incredible example of how we can all approach these substances, as a therapist or a patient, with the degree of respect and reverence they deserve.
Put on your lab coats and get your clipboards out as this is a great story to study.